I'm super excited to share this post! For the first time ever, I've recorded myself, loaded the video to vimeo and youtube and now I'm sharing it on this blog. This is giant step for me: 1. I'm "putting myself 'out there'" 2. Exploring details in the world of videos, links, and technology 3. Facing fear, moving through it and releasing limited beliefs 4. Ready to share some insights and information that comes through so easily, that it's become a second language to me!
I've created a youtube channel, you'll find it here: Robyn's Youtube channel
I've created a nine star ki blog and I am considering posting insight and information here. I'd love your feedback. Would it be easier to have one website that lists everything or a separate one for ki information? I'm pondering that one and I'd love your thoughts on this. I'm open to the idea of building a website or attracting a gifted website designer that would like to co-create work with me!
I'll be taking some time this winter and into early Spring to create on-line classes, workshops and videos so please, please, share this information with those who you think would resonate with the ideas. I know we are all very busy and there's SO much information available. I believe that nine star ki offers us unique insights that can be valuable in grounding, aligning and really understanding themes that we are working with. I also feel that by following it we do become more aware of our beautiful world, the natural elements and the energies that are always present.
I'm absolutely delighted to be sharing with you! Thanks for taking the time check out the blog.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Reminder from the Universe
One of the practices I've been doing on a daily basis is tuning in and aligning with Source and Soul. I've asked for signs to know I'm on the right path. Just reminders, head nods, and various confirmations, here and there.
Then sometimes I forget to ask. I don't take the time to ground my energies or really "connect" and tune in. And then, that's when the Universe, smiles, winks and places one of these in my drink.
"I am beautiful. I am bountiful. I am blissful." YES, YOU ARE! Just thought I'd pass along that little reminder.......on behalf of the Universe.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Another Start?
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2014~4 Tree Year |
How are those resolution-less days of January working with you? For any of you who feel like the boat left the harbor and you missed it, I have excellent news; we all get a second chance!
Though my life revolves around the Gregorian calendar (and my schedule is certainly reflecting busy days and nights at the moment) my heart and soul follow the Nine Star Ki path, throughout the month and seasons of the year. Around the 4th of February we will switch to a brand new energetic year {and let me just say how READY I am!}
Collectively we've just completed a year in the 5 earth cycle. This means that we've all been working with the energies of the karmic stations, themes that we inherited at the time of our birth. Nine Star Ki uses five natural elements found in nature as a way of organizing and making sense of energies, life themes, challenges, and triumphs. By carefully studying patterns, rhythms, traits and tendencies of tree, water, earth, metal and fire, we are given deep insight about the way our world works. Since we are so entwined within the natural world, the entire philosophy is based on our surroundings and these elements. Even if we do not take the time to identify and recognize them, they are always at play, in one form or another, during each day, month and year.
This week and next are great times for assessing and evaluating where you are in terms of your life path, intentions and goals. We've all been working in themes an structures closest to us, identifying any glitches and working to straighten them out so that we are free to move into higher vibrational experiences, ones more fitting of who we are and why we are here. If you've struggled in one or more areas of your life, it's likely not been the disaster your mind would have you believe; instead it could be an intricate part of the lessons/experiences your spirit/soul have signed up for during your time here. The good news is that the coming year will likely be far different from what you've experienced during 2013.
In this philosophy, 2014 is a 4 tree year. This type of energy fosters education, growth/expansion, exploration and connections. It supports great strides in learning and forward movement. The symbol for this location is a a healthy, mature tree, one that is fully rooted, yet flexible enough to bend when necessary. We can adopt more of the tree energies by honoring our own unique gifts and talents and sharing those with others. This type of energy is flexible and is known to shift and change directions. Those who are born in 1942, '51, '60, '69, '78, '87, '96 and 2005 are likely to experience energies shifts and changes more intensely than others. (Don't worry, every one gets their turn what is known as the center station!)
As a collective, we'll all feel the pull to learn, expand and grow. Travel is usually a popular theme in a four tree year we'll be more inclined to explore and we are open to new experiences. Accidents can be more prominent as well, especially if we lack ample earth/soil energies to keep us grounded and focused. Four tree carries is a much "softer" essence than the solid five earth that we're completing. If you've noticed an abundance of constriction and feelings of being blocked and held in place, it could very well be related to the five earth energies. They are known to feel stronger just before the energetic shift happens.
I share this for those who are interested gaining insight and perspective. We're close to completing the first month of the new calendar year and we have a brilliant opportunity to recognize and harness the power of an additional "fresh start". I'm particularly fond of taking time to journal, map or create some type of art piece that allows me to recognize and lovingly release anything that no longer serves us. This creates space and consciously opens us to new, bright, exciting possibilities that will grow and branch out through the coming year.
Four tree is a bit fast paced, so there will be times of rapid acceleration; things that would have taken a long time to launch, complete/accomplish in years past will happen quickly. Use the time in the next couple of weeks to get your game plan organized so that when the upward rising, ascending energies of four tree open, you'll be ready to "grow"!
Monday, January 13, 2014
Getting out of bed is lame. It's something that has to be done and most of the time, for me, just one more necessity. It sucks. Awakening is...........different. Awakening happens in the precious, pregnant moments before full consciousness is birthed. It's the realization a shift is about to take place, something big and brilliant has illuminated your space. Something you can't quite grasp yet, but you know you've already signed up and you have agreed to go along for the ride....perhaps you'll even take the wheel? In those seconds, much transpires. The entire day is captured and anchored in a few microscopic breaths, in and out. The choice is made, either through your mind, ego, will, heart and/or soul. How you'll respond to the day depends on how you choose to react. And though you may not even realize how to expand time, the potential, albeit it short if you are a clock watcher, is fertile with potential.
It would be easy, after the day I've had to not even take the time to post. Here I am though, showing up to that which is ready to be written through me. I would love to devote my day to artistic endeavors and creative activities and right now.......the linear world is really showing up and challenging that. I've always focused on work, doing what I need to do and what has to be done before I play. I'm aware of the therapeutic benefits of time to play, paint, write, draw and I'm also aware that oil changes, grocery shopping, homework, laundry, dishes and meal preps do not get done by *magic* I'm showing up for all that AND opening to the possibility of manifesting larger dreams. In AWAKENING, all possibilities exist.
I don't believe in balance anymore, if I did the scales would have toppled a long time ago. Someone asked me recently how I "balance all that I do". And this is close to what I shared: I don't balance. I take time throughout the day to connect with my soul. I find things that feed my mind/body/spirit. I strive for something healthy but I'm not above treating myself to white chocolate/coconut. I tend to the most important, relevant details that have to be taken care of and try to do something artistic to anchor my vision daily. In months like the one I am working with now, where I'm doing a lot of running and organizing I remind myself than when things get caught up (also an illusion) when space expands and I find myself with more *time,* then I start doing the things that I said I would do when I wished I had time to do and....... I DO them. Right now, sleep feels like a luxury and the idea of reading something just for pleasure seems as far away as the planet Mars. I have a number of deadlines and obligations and things that do that have to be done. What's different is that I am now taking time in the morning to create space, to open and truly AWAKEN. Since I'm not a jump-outta-bed-hit-the-floor-kinda-girl, I'm easing into whatever chapters are next in my life's book. Many chapters have been completed. I'm aware that new ones are forming. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out with the morning pages and getting a lot more used to what 5:30 looks and feels like. No expectations but definitely coffee. And My Head is An Animal Album. Over and over.
Monday, January 6, 2014
If you've read the previous post you'll see my my guiding word this year is SHINE. Just a few baby steps within the year, it's already proven to be a beacon.
Today was a bit rough in places. I felt the urge to move out some excess, intense, heavy, dense energies and so I power walked. It was blistering cold air but something strong was drawing me out of my cozy little cottage and into nature. When I trudged up the big hill, questioning my decision and praying my eyeballs weren't going to turn into frozen marbles, I realized what I'd been missing today *the sunSHINE*. It was warm, golden, and delicious. I let the skin of my face drink it in. I asked my body to absorb it through the layers of clothes that I'd piled on. I opened my heart wide and let the rays melt what ailed me.
I returned home with inspiration and ideas galore. And before they disappeared into the ethers of my creative waves and I wanted to invite your input. One of my gifts is teaching. I love to share and inspire others. I feel this is often when my light shines most brilliantly. I would love to know what you are into and what you might enjoy learning through me?
I have selected not to teach at MPCC this semester. I feel very called to teach though, to cheer, to encourage to connect, to bring insight and awareness, to offer experiences that help you uncover, discover and recover your amazing talents and gifts.
I'm in the creation and design process of considering what I can offer and really, the best way to do this is to ask for your ideas. What are you "into" right now? What do you feel called to learn and excited to explore? I am looking into on-line as well as in-person experiences for those of you who would like me as a "tour guide." I don't necessarily consider myself an expert because I love to explore, right along beside my students. Right now smaller groups and individuals feel appropriate. I have space so I can host a night class or a weekend PLAYshop {because, really, who wants to work?!?} I'm also willing to travel, so for my sweet, far and away friends....let's chat!
Please share your suggestions in the comment section or on Facebook. If you are new to the blog and would like to follow along, the Facebook link is https://www.facebook.com/robynjohnston. I am very interested in hearing your responses. This will serve as a worthy guide and a channel for my creative energies (that seem to be in overdrive right about now.)
Friday, January 3, 2014
What's the good {guiding} word?
What is your greatest vision for yourself? How would it look at feel to bring this image to life? One glance around my space and its evident that my favorite books are not novels, they relate either to art, creativity or self-improvement.
I've read everything I can get my hands on. My kindle is full and my amazon cloud is bursting. It's very clear that it is time to put those skills and suggestions to use. And really in doing so, I need to gift those books and just start tuning in to my own soul's wisdom. That's where my truth and guidance is stored. Taking myself to the next level includes action. I confess, I've avoided it. It turns out when one puts an intention "out there" there are a good number of unknown variables that also exist. There's no way to know how anything will turn out either, I believe that is what is called LIFE!
One of the tools that I use is the Ki energy system. It's a beautiful, helpful way of seeing themes and making sense of what is going on in our lives during any given month and year. This year my themes are birth/planning/details/nurturing/connections and travel/learning/expansion,vitality. Knowing the themes I've just completed, these are a breath of fresh air! Although the two station isn't one that I love, it is one that will slow me down enough to look at details, organize, plan and design. This isn't necessarily my year to take huge leaps, but it is coming. I can feel it!
So now that I've "called myself out publicly" to raise my own personal bar, I'll also share my guiding word this year: SHINE. There's a lot behind that one word. Shine, for me, means allowing the inner goodness to effortlessly radiate out. I've been through one of the roughest years of my life and I like to think that the "pressure" is shaping/forming my inner diamond. Shine means that I can be perfectly still and that my guiding light is still visible and tangible to myself. It can also serve as a beacon to others who need a little boost, a true friend an authentic "light". Shine feels light, vibrant, rich, full, whole and complete.
The challenge of this word is that comes with vulnerability and that's a tough one for me. I have a hard time when I know I am being judged and to put myself "out there" could invite this. Those little trickles of fear arise when I realize I may be seen, noticed, heard, watched to a greater degree. I think we are all here to do great things and that means becoming visible, sharing my work, words, insight, suggestions, support, inspiration and guidance with others. I tend to work best behind the scenes. I'd rather be the one doing the work and not the one taking credit for it. I've been criticized and falsely judged one too many times. But I won't know how brightly I can SHINE, if I'm not willing to take those risks. So I will. I will step out of my little safe cocoon and right up to the plate. I have no idea how this will all take shape, how I'll emerge by this time next year. We are all guaranteed change and forward movement so.......let the games begin.
I have a few ideas of what my talents are and in the general direction of how I can apply them but the results.........well, your guess is as good as mine. I think we'll both be surprised. I go forward with a deep trust and authentic curiosity about what the coming year. For the first time (in maybe forever) I have no expectations and no notions of the outcome.
The first steps toward my guiding words look like this:
I finally set up an official creative space! I'm very excited to have all of my materials in one spot. It feels really GOOD too. I have a number of projects already lining up and asking to be "birthed" in this space. I love that this room is upstairs and it is filled with light! It's like connecting with my higher self every time I walk up those stairs.
I've read everything I can get my hands on. My kindle is full and my amazon cloud is bursting. It's very clear that it is time to put those skills and suggestions to use. And really in doing so, I need to gift those books and just start tuning in to my own soul's wisdom. That's where my truth and guidance is stored. Taking myself to the next level includes action. I confess, I've avoided it. It turns out when one puts an intention "out there" there are a good number of unknown variables that also exist. There's no way to know how anything will turn out either, I believe that is what is called LIFE!
One of the tools that I use is the Ki energy system. It's a beautiful, helpful way of seeing themes and making sense of what is going on in our lives during any given month and year. This year my themes are birth/planning/details/nurturing/connections and travel/learning/expansion,vitality. Knowing the themes I've just completed, these are a breath of fresh air! Although the two station isn't one that I love, it is one that will slow me down enough to look at details, organize, plan and design. This isn't necessarily my year to take huge leaps, but it is coming. I can feel it!
So now that I've "called myself out publicly" to raise my own personal bar, I'll also share my guiding word this year: SHINE. There's a lot behind that one word. Shine, for me, means allowing the inner goodness to effortlessly radiate out. I've been through one of the roughest years of my life and I like to think that the "pressure" is shaping/forming my inner diamond. Shine means that I can be perfectly still and that my guiding light is still visible and tangible to myself. It can also serve as a beacon to others who need a little boost, a true friend an authentic "light". Shine feels light, vibrant, rich, full, whole and complete.
The challenge of this word is that comes with vulnerability and that's a tough one for me. I have a hard time when I know I am being judged and to put myself "out there" could invite this. Those little trickles of fear arise when I realize I may be seen, noticed, heard, watched to a greater degree. I think we are all here to do great things and that means becoming visible, sharing my work, words, insight, suggestions, support, inspiration and guidance with others. I tend to work best behind the scenes. I'd rather be the one doing the work and not the one taking credit for it. I've been criticized and falsely judged one too many times. But I won't know how brightly I can SHINE, if I'm not willing to take those risks. So I will. I will step out of my little safe cocoon and right up to the plate. I have no idea how this will all take shape, how I'll emerge by this time next year. We are all guaranteed change and forward movement so.......let the games begin.
I have a few ideas of what my talents are and in the general direction of how I can apply them but the results.........well, your guess is as good as mine. I think we'll both be surprised. I go forward with a deep trust and authentic curiosity about what the coming year. For the first time (in maybe forever) I have no expectations and no notions of the outcome.
The first steps toward my guiding words look like this:
I finally set up an official creative space! I'm very excited to have all of my materials in one spot. It feels really GOOD too. I have a number of projects already lining up and asking to be "birthed" in this space. I love that this room is upstairs and it is filled with light! It's like connecting with my higher self every time I walk up those stairs.
This is my second baby step. I'm taking an on-line painting/mixed media class. We were encouraged to share our work. To this I cringed. I gathered my favorite colors, which happen to be dark and rich. I selected key pieces which are too tiny to show up in the picture, but I know they are there. I watched the video over and over, compared mine and about pitched it. It looked awful and not at all what I had in mind (not really sure what I had in mind, but this wasn't it!) I called it good and walked away.
After my massive clean/reorganize project I revisited this piece and was guided to add details with the white paint pen. I must say this was a BLAST. I know nothing about color, contrast, texture, etc. Everything that I do is completely intuitive. I was happy with how this turned out. I think I may make my living room a gallery...............
So, baby steps to letting my inner and outer light shine. Thank you for reading, thank you for sharing. I wish you the brightest, most beautiful journey this year. If you've selected a guiding word, may it bless you, strengthen you and encourage your truest self to emerge.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Normally this time of year I start thinking about all that's happened and the goals I have for the coming one. Not this time. Nope. Jumping on a different mode of transportation this year. I'm not taking a jet, or a train or even car. I fully intend to use my body as the vehicle it was intended to be. I believe our feelings/emotions and intuition are our inner GPS. They let us know if we are on the right track. If the choices we make are in alignment with our soul, then it feels right. And let me tell you, what feels right and good can make HUGE waves in one's reality because sometimes they don't make sense to the mind. Choices, for me, are a delicate balance of mind, intuition and heart-centered guidance with a dash of the "unknown" and a bit of a gamble, which I'm not much of a betting person. Perhaps it is because I believe that every moment counts and that the choices we make directly effect others, no matter if we see it or not. We feel it. We feel everything and some of us, feel, hear and see more deeply than others. This isn't a negative, it's just how we are wired. And knowing how I am wired is where my focus has been this past year.
I would say that at 41, I know myself pretty well, but there are some unknowns that even now, I'm still discovering. I do know of my talents. I know that I am determined and stubborn (I'm sure I can provide a list of references who will vouch for that!) I know how to make things happen. I don't quit. I am relentless. I work instead of playing. I focus and drive and succeed. It's gotten me to a good place in my life but it won't get much further. I've hit the wall with this realization. I am ready to change directions entirely. I have to, the methods I've used for years are........obsolete. Here's what I've come up with; instead of adding more to my to-do list for the coming year, I'm taking it all away.
Here's what I won't be doing:
worrying, forcing anything, fixing anyone or anything, making others happy and comfortable, (never was my job and it seems I've failed epically :) sugar coating shit (in all forms), making things worse, focusing on the negative, getting too attached the positive, allowing myself to be used, played, manipulated, controlled and any words that start with un, dis, or non. Here's my personal emancipation proclamation to the Universe...I'm letting it all go...........all of it. What remains is what I'll work with. And if there's nothing, then there's freedom in that too.
I now understand why I was on a mission to releasing a significant amounts of clutter, in all forms. I've energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically made space or the new. I've made space, I haven't yet filled it. That's what I'll be doing with great care in 2014.
Gone are any preconceived ideas of how things should go, ought to go, need to go, will go. I've identified my values and core desired feelings and these will be the Spiritual GPS tools that I'll use for navigation. I make no promises or vows to do anything. I am not trying to outguess or even direct my future. Applying too much hope distracts me from what is already richly showing up in the present moment.
There's exquisite beauty in letting go, though it does go against what some of us were taught in the "work hard for your dreams department". It truly counterbalanced by natural instinct to fight for what I believe in and not give up. Letting go is..........different. I find that it isn't about winning or loosing. It is not about controlling a desired outcome; its a release not a resignation. It's acceptance and vulnerability that opens and reconnects us with the core of our truth, the truth of who we are, why we are here and how we can create a life that is authentic and meaningful.
I have no idea what the coming year will be like. All I know is where I've been and where I am now. So this is me, starting over. Brand new. Un-doing, not doing, letting go of resolutions of any kinds. You are welcome to join me, I'd appreciate the company and companionship. And in letting go of what we don't need, perhaps we will gain, that which our souls seek.
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