Friday, January 31, 2014

Bringing in the New!

I'm super excited to share this post! For the first time ever, I've recorded myself, loaded the video to vimeo and youtube and now I'm sharing it on this blog. This is giant step for me: 1. I'm "putting myself 'out there'" 2. Exploring details in the world of videos, links, and technology 3. Facing fear, moving through it and releasing limited beliefs 4. Ready to share some insights and information that comes through so easily, that it's become a second language to me!

I've created a youtube channel, you'll find it here: Robyn's Youtube channel

I've created a nine star ki blog and I am considering posting insight and information here. I'd love your feedback. Would it be easier to have one website that lists everything or a separate one for ki information? I'm pondering that one and I'd love your thoughts on this. I'm open to the idea of  building a website or attracting a gifted website designer that would like to co-create work with me! 

I'll be taking some time this winter and into early Spring to create on-line classes, workshops and videos so please, please, share this information with those who you think would resonate with the ideas. I know we are all very busy and there's SO much information available. I believe that nine star ki offers us unique insights that can be valuable in grounding, aligning and really understanding themes that we are working with. I also feel that by following it we do become more aware of our beautiful world, the natural elements and the energies that are always present. 

I'm absolutely delighted to be sharing with you! Thanks for taking the time check out the blog. 



  1. love LOVE love your video and great job putting yourself out there! I imagine it's scary putting yourself out there but you're so talented and this will be a great way to reach out to more people who may not know much about nine star ki. You've got a way of relating it to real life situations and I've found that once I understood what makes me tick and why, I could better control the outcome. You go girl!

    1. THANKS SO MUCH, Carrie! I appreciate the feedback! Yes, a bit scary and exciting too. I have so many ideas of what I will be able to share, maybe some mini-previews for the month?! We'll see what comes through. I have a cool format idea for our Solstice Gathering! Will compile all that and share soon! :)
