Friday, January 3, 2014

What's the good {guiding} word?

What is your greatest vision for yourself? How would it look at feel to bring this image to life? One glance around my space and its evident that my favorite books are not novels, they relate either to art, creativity or self-improvement.

I've read everything I can get my hands on. My kindle is full and my amazon cloud is bursting. It's very clear that it is time to put those skills and suggestions to use. And really in doing so, I need to gift those books and just start tuning in to my own soul's wisdom. That's where my truth and guidance is stored. Taking myself to the next level includes action. I confess, I've avoided it. It turns out when one puts an intention "out there" there are a good number of unknown variables that also exist. There's no way to know how anything will turn out either, I believe that is what is called LIFE!

One of the tools that I use is the Ki energy system. It's a beautiful, helpful way of seeing themes and making sense of what is going on in our lives during any given month and year. This year my themes are birth/planning/details/nurturing/connections and travel/learning/expansion,vitality. Knowing the themes I've just completed, these are a breath of fresh air! Although the two station isn't one that I love, it is one that will slow me down enough to look at details, organize, plan and design. This isn't necessarily my year to take huge leaps, but it is coming. I can feel it!

So now that I've "called myself out publicly" to raise my own personal bar, I'll also share my guiding word this year: SHINE. There's a lot behind that one word. Shine, for me, means allowing the inner goodness to effortlessly radiate out. I've been through one of the roughest years of my life and I like to think that the "pressure" is shaping/forming my inner diamond. Shine means that I can be perfectly still and that my guiding light is still visible and tangible to myself. It can also serve as a beacon to others who need a little boost, a true friend an authentic "light". Shine feels light, vibrant, rich, full, whole and complete.

 The challenge of this word is that comes with vulnerability and that's a tough one for me. I have a hard time when I know I am being judged and to put myself "out there" could invite this. Those little trickles of fear arise when I realize I may be seen, noticed, heard, watched to a greater degree. I think we are all here to do great things and that means becoming visible, sharing my work, words, insight, suggestions, support, inspiration and guidance with others. I tend to work best behind the scenes. I'd rather be the one doing the work and not the one taking credit for it. I've been criticized and falsely judged one too many times. But I won't know how brightly I can SHINE, if I'm not willing to take those risks. So I will. I will step out of my little safe cocoon and right up to the plate. I have no idea how this will all take shape, how I'll emerge by this time next year. We are all guaranteed change and forward movement so.......let the games begin.

I have a few ideas of what my talents are and in the general direction of how I can apply them but the results.........well, your guess is as good as mine. I think we'll both be surprised. I go forward with a deep trust and authentic curiosity about what the coming year. For the first time (in maybe forever) I have no expectations and no notions of the outcome.

The first steps toward my guiding words look like this:

I finally set up an official creative space! I'm very excited to have all of my materials in one spot. It feels really GOOD too. I have a number of projects already lining up and asking to be "birthed" in this space. I love that this room is upstairs and it is filled with light! It's like connecting with my higher self every time I walk up those stairs. 

This is my second baby step. I'm taking an on-line painting/mixed media class. We were encouraged to share our work. To this I cringed. I gathered my favorite colors, which happen to be dark and rich. I selected key pieces which are too tiny to show up in the picture, but I know they are there. I watched the video over and over, compared mine and about pitched it. It looked awful and not at all what I had in mind (not really sure what I had in mind, but this wasn't it!) I called it good and walked away.

After my massive clean/reorganize project I revisited this piece and was guided to add details with the white paint pen. I must say this was a BLAST. I know nothing about color, contrast, texture, etc. Everything that I do is completely intuitive. I was happy with how this turned out. I think I may make my living room a gallery...............

So, baby steps to letting my inner and outer light shine. Thank you for reading, thank you for sharing. I wish you the brightest, most beautiful journey this year. If you've selected a guiding word, may it bless you, strengthen you and encourage your truest self to emerge. 


  1. ser·en·dip·i·ty: luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for.

    This is my guiding word this year. I tried searching for a word today and liked courage, inspire, sparkle, and empower but none of these were THE word. When I quit searching and returned to my ever-growing, stressful to-do list at work, the word serendipity randomly popped in to my head. Not only is it a fun word to say but how awesome is it when you stumble upon something you didn't even know you were looking for?! I want to strive for creative serendipity this year. I've noticed in the past when I try to force my creative spirit, the inspiration and drive are lacking which results in an unfinished product and even more so, a frustrated artist. My intention is to give up control and the Universe will (hopefully) answer with serendipity.

  2. *Awesome, Carrie* I love it and it is a fun word! It is so cool how the words find us, isn't it?! You've got my love and support in this endeavor! I have a little something to start this off for you ;) watch your mailbox :) here's to serendipity! Woo hoo!

  3. Congrads for "putting it out there", I absolutly Love the art piece... and that space, how cool is it!!!

  4. Thanks Lucy!!! glad you like it! The colors were really dark and I realized I do like dark, rich colors but then I was "stuck" for a while...the white pen was definitely the ticket! And that space is ready for you to join me for some fabulous, fun creating! I'll start looking at some dates. Probably best to go after basketball season :)
