Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Who You Are

Who you are is an amazing gift to the world. Thank you. 

However you choose to show up in the world, I accept you. Thank you.

All the judgements of the past, present and future I've destroyed and uncreated. You are free. I am free. Thank you. 

Thank you for being you. Thank you for being the light you are in my life. Thank you for showing me examples of brilliance, joy, peace, laughter, unconditional love, allowance and friendship. 

This is the greatest work you've ever done. YOU ARE A STAR! 

Now.......go live your life, wherever you are called to be, whomever you are invited to be with, especially if this is just an intimate time with your own amazing being. 

This is your invitation.....your permission, to be exactly who you are. Show up. Live your life. Shine. You've "got this". You've always had it. No situation, no person can ever take this way. 

Feel free to copy and distribute these words, to everyone you know. Read them every day. Add to them. Paint them on your bathroom walls, stencil them on your curtains. Write them on your kitchen table, breathe them in. Live them. BE them. 


  1. I printed this out and added it to my 'alter' in my craft room, my place of creative freedom. I've come to realize over the last several months that I'm still figuring out who I am and it's freeing to know that I'm going to continue to grow and come into my own. For so many years I've felt lost not knowing where my beliefs lie but now that I have a clearer vision, the sky (and the Universe) is the limit!

  2. I just came across your blog.....amazing Robyn. Amazing! You have came into my life at the most perfect time! Your words, your thought provoking ways to help me think, to ask, to be....has helped me over come so much. Light and love my dear!! Thank you. :)
