Monday, December 30, 2013

I'll be back to blogging right after......

I complete the Ki Previews for January! I'm a bit behind my normal routine so for those of you wonderful, sweet souls that request these monthly jewels, please know they'll arrive in your in-box soon!

I have oh so many posts in the "draft" stage and I really had intentions to write about the kind of holiday I created this year, that has been so very different from ones in the past. I still may get to that......

Post Christmas I wasn't curled up with a computer, in fact I did just what I set out to do; I went off-line. I traveled, spent time with my favorite peeps, got beat severely playing Blackjack and then completed the second 500+ page book in the Clockwork Angel trilogy. (Was just too good to put down.) 

I am wrapping up Ki Previews for the final month of the year. The ki energies won't officially switch until February so this gives us one more month to complete projects and lessons within our home stations. It's been quite a year, hasn't it?! Maybe that's what we say after every year though? I don't seem to remember. 

I wanted to say thank you for checking the blog and reading. I've had some very nice comments and that just fuels my fire. I do have a post to share about my Resolution-LESS 2014, it may resonate with those of you who are looking to create a new path in the coming year. 

And for readers who are interested in the Ki Previews, to identify themes and possibilities of your energy stations, message me at and we'll set something up! If you mention that you saw this post, I'll throw in a nice discount!  I now offer updates, monthly email options and seasonal on-line workshops and classes. More details to come!


  1. It warms my heart (selfishly I admit) when I read that you are working on the Nine Star Ki Previews! I also realize the previews take time and energy, for that I Thank You! I am looking forward to new blog posts as well as future classes. Keep the fire burning!

  2. Awww! Thanks so much for your comment and the recognition of what goes into the ki previews. I do pour everything into them and I am honored (and delighted) that you recognize this. January is going to be a great one for you, by the way! I'll be getting them to you today so that you'll have them in time for contemplation and intention setting with the new moon! Love you, Lucy!
