Monday, December 30, 2013

I'll be back to blogging right after......

I complete the Ki Previews for January! I'm a bit behind my normal routine so for those of you wonderful, sweet souls that request these monthly jewels, please know they'll arrive in your in-box soon!

I have oh so many posts in the "draft" stage and I really had intentions to write about the kind of holiday I created this year, that has been so very different from ones in the past. I still may get to that......

Post Christmas I wasn't curled up with a computer, in fact I did just what I set out to do; I went off-line. I traveled, spent time with my favorite peeps, got beat severely playing Blackjack and then completed the second 500+ page book in the Clockwork Angel trilogy. (Was just too good to put down.) 

I am wrapping up Ki Previews for the final month of the year. The ki energies won't officially switch until February so this gives us one more month to complete projects and lessons within our home stations. It's been quite a year, hasn't it?! Maybe that's what we say after every year though? I don't seem to remember. 

I wanted to say thank you for checking the blog and reading. I've had some very nice comments and that just fuels my fire. I do have a post to share about my Resolution-LESS 2014, it may resonate with those of you who are looking to create a new path in the coming year. 

And for readers who are interested in the Ki Previews, to identify themes and possibilities of your energy stations, message me at and we'll set something up! If you mention that you saw this post, I'll throw in a nice discount!  I now offer updates, monthly email options and seasonal on-line workshops and classes. More details to come!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Swoot tip #2 ~Gifting Continued

Attention last minute's  the second part of yesterday's Swoot Tip and a supportive way to reduce the amount of waste generated this holiday. I gathered up some super cool latte mugs this summer. I confess, I did think about keeping a couple for myself.....and decided that I have plenty of mugs to suit our needs. As a result of having fewer dishes there's less to clean and my children have now followed my lead in the idea of multipurpose dishes. For example, tea cups are perfect for a little scoop of ice cream, coffee mugs work brilliantly for soups and cereal containers and water does taste better out of mason jars!

That's not what this post is about though. I wanted to share this fancy and fast gift idea. This would make a great hostess gift as well so consider this for New Year's Celebrations, birthdays, or just to be a thoughtful friend. 

I placed three different kinds of teas in the bowl, added a fancy little tissue pack and tied up with ribbon. The cup is the package so the only throw-away are the tea bags and tissues. (To amend the waste factor, fetch loose tea and put in into a delightful jelly jar and/or give cloth hankies instead.)A jar of flavored honey or even home crafted soup mix could be added in lieu of tea. And what of the ribbon? It could be used for a future gift, tied into smaller ribbons on a wreath, used as a book mark, added to art journals or card making projects.

And the best gift of all is really YOU! Your love, presence, support, and joy! Thanks for you sharing yours with me, thanks for taking the time to read the  Swoot Blog! Merry Christmast

Monday, December 23, 2013

Swoot Tip #2~Gifting

I'd mentioned in an earlier post that this holiday would be significantly different from those in the past. The look, feel/texture, energy, elements, people, surroundings/environment, and gifts would reflect the different vibrations of where I'm at right now.

One of those aspects involves gifting. I didn't go all out this year, in fact of the few gifts I am giving, all reflected my values of less, simplicity, authenticity, and consumable. I bypassed packaging and used what I had on hand, paper sacks decorated with leftover ribbon. 

A few of our friends received these air plants. Pryce and I ordered them in October and she's been caring for them each week. They are named after characters in the Magic Tree House Book Series; Jack, Annie, Morgan Le Fey.......and the little one is named Peanut. He's not a character but he's so cute and tiny the name just fit!

All they require is a little soak time in pure water. No soil, no fertilizer and they can reside just about anywhere. We found little tea cups make adorable containers, as do inexpensive glass jars. We added decorative rocks and then popped in this piece of blue tinsel that feel off of my tree. We bypassed the $20 dollar terrariums and created our own versions.

What I most enjoyed was time spend with my daughter as we tended the "gifts". She was a little sad to see them go though her excitement was tangible when she gave her teacher "Jack" and shared his care instructions. (We'd also crafted gift tags with candy cane stripped washi tape and silver marker.) 

Other gifts this year included consumables, like steaks (our local grocer makes up delicious flat irons). I also found some great latte mugs this summer and knew they'd be the perfect package for tea and honey. I purchased a peppermint pig from Sarasota Sweets (it's become a favorite holiday tradition!) a movie pass, bulk chewing gum I've giving the gift of my peaceful, calm, joyful, supportive, full of gratitude, in the moment presence, which to me is the most important gift anyone of us can share with those around us. 

I've overridden my tendency to shop excessively, to buy gifts just because I am supposed to or I have to. Any gift I've given, large or small comes straight from my heart. I truly feel that we are a society that consumes and buys way more than what we ever need. We buy for the sake of buying and though I pass no judgement, I know it is not right for me. In the past, I've bought gifts because I felt that it was what I should do and sure, I did it from the goodness of my heart but I have to say that I noticed it completely distracted me from people that I love to be around. I was more worried about the mess being made than about the people who were making the mess :(  

I'm not saying that I am opposed to giving and receiving, it certainly goes both ways. I've been supported and blessed my many people throughout the year. I've been received wonderful gifts and these exceed monetary worth. The gifts I've given have hopefully done the same for others around me. What I most wish for this Christmas season is to focus on the things that truly matter, the people I love, those who bless our lives, lift us up, support us, make us feel feel warm and snuggly, help us know we are unconditionally loved and appreciated. Those really are the best gifts aren't they? No material object can really convey how it feels to HAVE THAT in our hearts!

Though I'm posting this just before Christmas and it's likely that most everyone already has their shopping done, save those last minute procrastinators (like I used to be!), perhaps this is an idea that can take hold and anchor itself in the year to come? My revised gifting plan is really a reflection of redesigning my life and listening very closely to that inner voice within me. I'll be writing about we can realign our inner vibrations to create a more supportive outward manifestation and thus begin creating our ideal experiences every day....AND during the holidays! 

Where is your heart focused on this Christmas? What are your favorite gifts to give and receive? Feel free to share in the comment box below.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I'm a "white light" kinda girl

There's something magical, beautiful and romantic about white lights. Oh yes, those over-the-top, Griswold displays catch my eye, but I deeply appreciate a simple string of white lights. I don't have outside decorations, no lights or reindeer or blow-up snowmen. 

I do have this lovely view right across from my house and I breathe it in every night. I wish I could somehow convince the Village of Curtis to keep these lights up all year. I do enjoy sitting under the gazebo, but I'd love it even more with fewer layers.

Simplicity is what I seek. More being, less doing. I think our lives (and world) would greatly benefit if there were more gazebos with white lights and more people that prefer to just sit under them. I'm not the most driven person I know but I also know that its time for me to reflect, to go within, to recreate and to stop a lot of what I've been doing, trying to make happen, hoping to fix, align, balance and perfect. 

This seems like as good a time as any to call an ego "truce" and step off of the "I have to make it happen/If it is to be it's up to me train". I've given myself this gift; to be present right here, right now. I am open to seeing, accepting and fully appreciating the beauty of a less-than-perfect life. Breathing in, breathing out. The white lights definitely help. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Swoot Tip #1---use what you have Christmas tree decorating

I have a confession: I'm not all that into tree timing. I loathe hauling in a live tree and I even more loathe hauling the darned thing out! {I do look forward to the bonfire and shots in January but that's really about it when it comes Christmas trees.} Don't get me wrong here, I LOVE trees. I am happy to be called a "tree hugger" by friends and family because there's nothing I enjoy more than to smell pine trees, first thing in the morning. That's heaven to me. I just want them outside….not in my dwelling.

I enjoy the spirit of Christmas. This is the only time of year that I welcome the cold and pray for soft, sparkly snow. After the 31st, I'm done with winter. DONE.

I found this little blue jewel last year and though it goes against my "buy less" vibe, I knew I loved it and I knew I'd use it for many years to come. Alright, here is another confession; I bought the red one too…….I just couldn't decide! My justification is that they were both little and fit in one box. I keep the blue one up during January and place my Snow Baby pieces given to me by my Aunt Audrey and Grandma Ruth.  The red tinsel tree comes has hearts on it for Valentine's day.

 I've had a "champagne" colored one that I fell in louvre with a couple of years ago. It stands in a corner in my living room.  The decorations for it include a bright purple ribbon and pheasant feathers stashed about the branches. I wrap a turquoise scarf around the bottom,  and upon a vintage wooden sled I sit a teddy bear crafted by my Grandma Ruth.

Tonight I had a {strange} burst of energy and decided that the blue tree should go in my bedroom. My colors are blue and green, as in peacock. I'd thought about waiting until ornaments go on sale after the holiday and then…..I had a stoke of genius (it happens sometimes when I least expect it and usually when I need to be sleeping). I had the insight to use earrings! I've been a long time "feather fan" and use them to decorate packages, fill mason jars, mark book pages and paint with. Tonight, I remembered I had some great earrings AND the wires were already there! I also added a hair clip, seen in the center, as well as found acorns. I also added two long feathers that Pryce and I grabbed this summer and then wrapped a couple of big scarves around the bottom and on the table. I think it turned out pretty neat!

Consequently my bedroom is my "lair". I spend more time in here with my faux fire place (Sunheat heater) reading materials, tea and Smart Wool socks. So now, when I look up, I see my cute little blue tree.  What I'm most excited about is the dual use of materials, not spending any hard earned dough and perhaps best of all, I don't have to find extra storage for ornaments that I really don't need and only use one time of year.

Okay, well I'm no Martha Stewart and this isn't likely going to be put on the cover of Country Living or even make a Pintrest pin but hey, you get the idea! For those uber-crafy people out there that can take an idea and make it look awesome……….use what you have and earrings make great ornaments! 

Happy Decorating!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

These boots were made for basketball......

I know it's not the normal attire you'd find in a gym---but it's finally warm enough 49 above---that I've ditched the warm boots and smart wool socks. I've lived (and slept in) in base layers, socks and a cap. Yes, a cap. 

We are spending the day watching basketball, so updating the blog is my creative endeavor for the day. I'll be sharing ideas of how to squeeze in creativity in the midst of accelerated living. I truly enjoy sharing, I do not louvre the tiny type pad. 

It seems the busier my day is, the more I crave creative expression. I'm curious, what ways do you nourish and make time for activities that feed your soul? Please share on the comment section below. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Light enough to travel

This was my phrase for 2013. It seems as though it is going to continue into 2014…..

December is always busy, full to bursting. I've known (and perhaps dreaded) just how busy my calendar was going to be. And now I'm living that reality. In the Nine Star Ki philosophy I follow (and share with wonderful friends and amazingly supportive clients) my One Water element is in the center. This basically means that there's A LOT of energies coming in and moving out. It's usually a time of great change, (some chaos) and it's filled with abundant options/choices and decisions. Every day is different, it's like living in a vortex or inside the eye of a hurricane.  I'm very grateful for the information I've learned because it's certainly keeping me aware, open and confident that I am not going insane (there's been significant support to indicate otherwise!)

I thought about posting the details of my schedule just for the sake of a few chuckles from other mentor Mama's that have "been there, done that." I know, I know, I need to enjoy and savor this time of having  high school, junior high and elementary children. They are growing fast and for that I am sad. It is FUN to see them in their activities and witness their personalities continually taking shape (some days are not as fun as others.) For anyone who reads this and feels their life is boring, I warmly extend the invitation to join me…….I could use a few extra hands, definitely additional brain power, a house keeper and cook. I'll put your amazing talents to work and give you a fantastic purpose.

I can't remember what I did Monday. Tuesday night ball game, Thursday pm Christmas concert, ball games this afternoon/night. Ball games Saturday afternoon. On Sunday I've promised to take Pryce to a  the "Desolation of Smaug" (apparently not to be confused with Smog). She's been talking about this one nonstop. She's in love with Kili and Fili. I'm going to see the hot elf, aka Legolas. We'll all be happy. Monday is a ball game. Friday is a ball game. And then there's the holiday, of which, I am going to celebrate in a different way than I  have before. (more on that in a future post!)

Right now I'm short on sleep, low on patience, my humor tank definitely needs filled and my creative endeavors are taking it in the shorts. I think its interesting that these are the words that I woke up to this morning. They were harmoniously being hummed by my brain:

Don't really know what day it is
Been rocking nine days in a row
All I know is it's hurricane season
And any minute she's gonna blow

I need a shave and I need some rest
I know some people are worried about me
But I'm french kissing life square in the mouth
Sailing out on the sea

I would change the words slightly to:

Don't really know what day it is
Been packing nine days in a row
All I know is it's basketball season 
And any minute I'll have to go…...

I need a nap and I need break
or the life out of someone, I'll surely shake
My Kindle is charged, my seat is ready
with a bleacher bench, I'm going steady……..

See, this is what happens when I don't get enough sleep. I have a little sympathy for my kids…..and their teachers. We probably all know where their quirkiness comes from.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Hi Friends,

I've contemplated long and hard about continuing with blog writing and if so, should I continue the cre8tivecowgirl blog or start fresh? And the answer, resoundingly was start fresh. So here it is the first installment of what I hope will be a super "swoot" blog. 

"Swoot",  is likely not what you think! "It's a bit of an inside word, from a private language that my dear brother originated. You'll likely pick it up within five minutes of listening to Carl. You, like the rest of us, will find yourself adding a long o to just about every word in the English language and then, unbeknownst to you, in public, those words trickle out. You can't even help it. You'll change people's names, you'll change adjectives, adverbs, food, you name it. It's catchy and addictive and I have to work hard sometimes to speak "normally". Sad, true and hilarious! So a big shout out, to my friend and creative maven, Carrie for the name suggestion! It "stuck".