Thursday, June 19, 2014

Keep It Light Enough To Travel

Hi Friends,

I'm excited to announce that I'll be switching over to a new blog...It's something that will be more suited to my lifestyle, who I am, what I am about and hopefully, fingers crossed and big dreams manifested, something that I will be able to expand with, publish and LIVE.

If you've read my words for any length of time, you know that my feet don't stay in the same place for very long. In fact, during the last month, I've probably averaged about two nights in my cozy little house in Curtis. That's just enough time to do laundry, maintain the yard with the awesome help of my neighbor, Brady {many thanks, man, I owe you a few steaks!}

Travel is something that has always appealed to me; it feels my heart and soul. I deeply love to see the country, meet up with people, hang out, have fun and learn. I'm always in a state of learning and seeing things from an ever expanding view point.

I also know a few things about energetic themes, so while I enjoy being on the go, it is not always feasible for me to do so. During the school year, I am tied to a pretty consistent and sometimes intense routine. Summers open up, kids don't have to be in bed at a certain time. They do spend a lot of time going to rodeos with their Dad, so I don't see them nearly as much as I prefer. I am glad that they are able to do what they enjoy, it just leaves this Mama pretty lonesome at times.

I've spent the past several months really diving deep and reconnecting with myself. It's easy to disconnect, forget I am, what I am about and why I am here. I've been devoted to children and home for the past 15 years and for the most part, that's been my identity. It still is, but there have been some changes.

The person I lived with for 19 years is on a different path and that has created space, a whole lot of space to explore and rediscover myself. Like any completion and letting go of the past, it has had its ups and downs. Focusing on the downs is not a way to move forward so I've very much enlisted the support and assistance of wonderful friends. In essence, I've created a very strong "tribe" and I am extremely grateful for them, every single day. (There's always room for more!)

I've discovered that the concept of "home" is wherever I am at. My primary residence has been this backpack and my Subaru. I've spent more time in my car than I have anywhere else. My "home" has a lot of rooms; they are scattered all about. At any time of day, depending on the direction, I could call any number of friends and say, "Hey, mind if I crash at your place?!" I've not been turned down yet....and I think I very much embody a couch/chair surfer!

 I don't desire to live in a large, fancy house. Not because I couldn't handle the aspect of "wealth" but because it would be totally wasted space. I wouldn't likely be in it all that much. I've always thought of myself as needing a home, a place to call my own, a base. I'm finding that concept is not nearly as solid as I once believed. What I need is a (preferably) soft place to sleep (I bring my pillow and blanket) a little food (I don't eat much) water, coffee if it's available and something to write on (words pop into my brain all the time). I reply on phone, when I can't use my computer and the kindle holds a bunch of books that I would otherwise be toting around. I have two camping chairs in the back of my car and during the week there's a set of golf clubs that come along for short rides.

I have nice jewelry but I wear one ring, one necklace and the same earrings most all of the time. I have a small bag that I throw my little wallet, cell phone and sunglasses in and a backpack for my clothes. When I'm not flying, I indulge in a bag filled with my art supplies and journals. I have two pairs of shorts that I alternate between, a few skirts, t-shirts, a couple pairs of sandals and sneakers. It takes me less than five minutes to pack and be out the door.

My home is not bare, but there isn't a lot of clutter. The primary items are books and art supplies. It takes me an evening to clean, vacuum, and do surfaces. I still have more than enough "stuff" but the stuff doesn't require a lot of care. If I were to move in a month, I'd be able to box items up, quickly find new homes for them and be on my way.

It would be easy to look at what I've lost/released in the past year, but the truth is, I've actually gained in ways that I wasn't even aware of! Little did I know my theme song,  Keep It Light Enough To Travel would be prophetic in some aspects. That has become my motto, take only what I can fit in the Subaru and......have FUN!

I'll be posting from here Keep It Light Enough 2 Travel. Like my journeys, it'll likely be random, unplanned, creative, thoughtful and hopefully inspiring. I'm opening a new chapter and heading in a new direction in my life. I have no idea where I'll be going next, I've given the wheel over to my body/being, tuning in and listening (even when it doesn't make sense) because when I do that, it ALWAYS works out!

I'll be posting more often so please check back from time to time. I have a couple of fun ideas for those who want to follow along, some inquiry questions, offerings and opportunities. This feels like what I've been wanting to experience for a long time. Care to join me?!

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