Yesterday was a bit of a challenge and I am learning to see challenges as opportunities. Such opportunities can show us how far we are on our path, or where we have yet to clear, cleanse and bring to a higher vibrations.
For the majority of the past month, I've pared down my focus to a couple of areas of my life that I've closed off for years. These aren't visible to anyone and yet they are tangible. In fact, I was completely unaware at how I pushed away receiving. I've been consciously practicing being open to receiving fantastic gifts from the Universe.
Beliefs can become engrained within us very easily; over time they can be reinforced with what we believe we experience. Outside circumstances seem to solidify them even further confirming their validity.
However, like water, beliefs take the form of whatever container they fill change one's reality, one can change his/her belief. That's where my focus has been, changing the way I believe and how I react to outside circumstances.
Yesterday was not an easy day, there were multiple invitations to jump into the old beliefs and reactions. I found out a couple of things that really rocked me and I was steps away from falling into the blame, misery, victimhood perceptions, that I had become so accustomed to. And then I took a deep breath......and I shifted......and I realized that I am always supported, loved and cared for. I have everything I need, right here, right now. I looked directly at my fear, thanked it for being there. I already knew the lesson and I accepted it. I cannot change people. I can change my reaction to them and I how view them. I can see them as teachers, bless them and move on. That's what I did. I thanked these persons for what they offered me, cut the cord to the density, filled up on "light" and affirmed that ONLY high vibrating people, ideas, and experiences are allowed into my field.
I treat my "spaces," my home and my body as sacred. I've worked very hard to pare down my physical objects and likewise, I've pared down emotional debris and baggage as well as limiting beliefs. The "major" of the overhaul is complete, though like my home, I am still very attuned to what shows up. Clutter, I am convinced, multiplies as fast as baby rabbits. So too old beliefs will keep flowing to the top to be skimmed off. And the more vigilant I become about keeping my inner and outer spaces, clear of debris the more expanded my space becomes. It's a daily thing with me, home and body. If I notice a stray or lower vibrating emotion, I work with it, get right to the core of it and clear it out. If it's physical clutter I do the same. I handle ever piece of mail, every dish and every object in my home with reverence. If it doesn't need to be here, I bless it and move it out. I've pared down a lot and though I still have more to go, I've gained back tremendous territory. I can sense new, creative space arising as a result! I am rewarded with expansion, openness, awareness and a whole lot of love and appreciation. What a GREAT experience, what an EXCELLENT way to live!
I have come to believe that clutter (inside and out) is a result of a emotional debris that has built up. It takes great courage to clear it out. It takes determination and bravery to be face ALL that we've accumulated and are now housing. It takes great strength to accept responsibility for it and even greater strength to initiate change.
Right about the time that you think you are done, you can't take one more step, the Universe steps in............ and the person in front of you at Starbucks pays for your venti latte. And then you realize, all that hard work, all those decisions to choose the higher vibrating thoughts and beliefs have created a new opening. Here's your confirmation that you are loved, supported, blessed and cared for.
I don't know who this person was, but her/his kindness and generosity was the perfect confirmation.
I wrote this post because I want to "pay it forward". If you felt like your burden was too much, that it was too hard to shift gears, let go of old habits, beliefs and ways of being in the world, let me remind you that there are better things waiting for you.
Roll up your sleeves, do the work. Have a good cry, throw yourself down on your bed and let your eyes empty out the emotions that have been buried, suppressed and hidden for whatever reason.
Claim your truth and who you really are, no matter what that means for you. Go to your core and connect with the light of your soul. Resonate there and feel the freedom that you were always meant to feel. Constriction and any lower emotion is there, like clutter; it may have served a purpose at one time but if it feels heavy, it's likely time to let it go.
When we take care of our inner and outer spaces, clearing out what no longer serves and supports us, we make room for ALL that does. We create a wider, magnetic pathway for the good that we want to experience. And when we are full up with that.... the good overflows and and radiates out in all directions. That's when we are "guided" to buy lattes, or treat someone to lunch, write a letters, make a phone calls, paint a picture, spend time with a friend, sing a song, and give our time, talents and joy to others because we want to, it just feels great!
I think we all do these things anyway, without expectations. But let me just say, that I adore the many surprises that have been flowing into my life since consciously opening and allowing the Universe to share, on even greater levels. I am always happy to give and I am now learning to receive with equal enthusiasm.
What is your favorite way to pay it forward? What unexpected "gifts" do you love to share? Do you keep a gratitude journal? What delightful, unexpected surprises have you received?
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